Every Friday, writers from around the globe join in sharing their flash fiction stories, each tiny tale written in response to a photo prompt posted on Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ blog. Anyone can take part, but if you’d prefer not to write, then we’d love you to simply enjoy the stories as a reader.

You can find our stories for this week below, whilst the stories crafted by other writers can be found here. Our earliest stories can be found on our old blog.


Friday Fictioneers 11 Jan 2013 copyright-roger-cohen

Image copyright: Roger Cohen

Jo’s Story ~ Cello Hello

“This is snug.”
“You’re not wrong. Your strings are tangling in mine.”
“Well, sorry!”
“No, no, I didn’t mean – ”
“It’s not my fault we’re standing so close!”
“But I’m happy with – ”
“I don’t even want to be played at this concert, anyway.”
Hesitation. “You don’t?”
“No! I hate performing before a crowd!”
“Really? You always seem so confident.”
“Appearances can deceive!”
“Well . . . if you perform that well, feeling scared, you’re more amazing than I thought!”
“Oh . . . d’you think so?”
“Absolutely – you’re fantastic.”
“I had no idea . . .”
Beautiful music crests the air.

[106 words]

Ron’s Story ~

I’m so strung out
And I’m boxed in
No room to even quaver
Note all pressing in around

A bridge too far
As some may achord
Hid plectrumed away
Feeling so hollow inside

Still fret you not
My gut does say
Bow strongly and accept
Saddled here so scrolled away

Peg that melody
And tune in fine
We’ll reach the pit
F-holed up to end

[66 words]

PS We have a little Poll running on Facebook – do you have a minute to vote, please? We’ll be accepting votes until 31 January. 🙂